LogNormal Distribution Calculator

The LogNormal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is derived from the normal distribution by taking the exponential of the random variable. It is widely used in various fields such as finance, biology, engineering, and economics to model variables that are positive and have a skewed distribution.

Mathematically, the LogNormal distribution is defined as follows:

Normal Distribution

The LogNormal distribution is characterized by its positively skewed shape, meaning that it has a long right tail and a mode greater than its mean. It is often used to model variables such as stock prices, income, house prices, and biological measurements that cannot take negative values and exhibit log-normal behavior due to the multiplicative nature of the underlying processes.

Applications of the LogNormal distribution include modeling asset prices in finance, modeling the size distribution of particles in aerosol science, modeling income distributions in economics, and modeling biological variables such as body mass and enzyme activity in biology.

We used Accord.Statistics for this calculator

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