What is the Akima Cubic Interpolation method?

Akima cubic interpolation is a method for constructing a smooth curve that passes through a set of given data points. It is a type of cubic spline interpolation that provides a piecewise cubic polynomial for each interval between data points, ensuring smoothness and continuity.

The Akima interpolation method has several characteristics:

Local Fitting:

Akima interpolation focuses on local data points to construct the cubic polynomials, providing a more accurate representation of the curve's behavior in the vicinity of each data point.


The resulting curve is typically smoother than some other interpolation methods, such as linear interpolation.

Piecewise Cubic Polynomials:

The method constructs a separate cubic polynomial for each interval between data points, ensuring that the curve passes through the data points while maintaining smooth transitions.


Akima interpolation takes into account the derivatives at each data point, contributing to the overall smoothness of the interpolated curve.

The Akima cubic interpolation method is commonly used in various fields, including numerical analysis and computer graphics, where accurate and smooth curve fitting is essential. It is especially useful when dealing with datasets where the behavior of the curve can vary significantly between adjacent data points.

The formula for the Akima cubic spline interpolation between two adjacent data points (xi, yi) and (xi+1, yi+1) is as follows:

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