What are the Thiessen Polygons method?

Thiessen polygons, also known as Voronoi polygons or Dirichlet polygons, are a geometric technique used to partition a plane into regions based on the proximity to a given set of points. Named after Alfred Thiessen, who introduced the method in 1911, Thiessen polygons are widely used in spatial analysis, geography, and other fields where the concept of proximity zones is relevant.

The key principles of Thiessen polygons include:

1. Point Proximity: Each polygon represents an area where a specific point is closer than any other point in the set.

2. Boundary Formation: The polygons are constructed by connecting the midpoints between adjacent points and forming boundaries equidistant to the neighboring points.

3. Coverage: The entire plane is divided into polygons, ensuring that every point within a polygon is closer to the associated point than to any other point in the set.

Thiessen polygons have various applications, such as:

- Meteorology: Analyzing precipitation patterns and weather stations.

- Geomorphology: Studying drainage basins and watershed delineation.

- Facility Location: Determining service areas for facilities based on customer locations.

Thiessen polygons provide a simple and effective way to spatially analyze and visualize proximity relationships between points in a given dataset.

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How to do Thiessen Polygon Method - Draw Thiessen Polygons