Difference between Thiessen Polygons and Voronoi polygons?

Thiessen polygons and Voronoi polygons are terms often used interchangeably, as they refer to the same geometric concept. Both Thiessen and Voronoi polygons result from a technique called Voronoi tessellation or Delaunay triangulation. Here's a breakdown of the terminology:

1. Thiessen Polygons:

- Named after Alfred Thiessen, who introduced the concept in 1911.

- Thiessen polygons represent a partitioning of a plane into regions based on the proximity to a set of points.

- In the context of spatial analysis and geography, these polygons are often used to delineate areas of influence around specific points.

2. Voronoi Polygons:

- Named after the mathematician Georgy Voronoi, who formalized the concept in 1908.

- Voronoi polygons also result from the same technique and describe regions of influence around a set of points.

- The term "Voronoi" is more commonly used in mathematics, computational geometry, and computer science.

In summary, both Thiessen and Voronoi polygons refer to the same geometric structure, and the choice of terminology may depend on the specific field of study or application. The polygons are created by connecting the midpoints between adjacent points and forming boundaries equidistant to the neighboring points.

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