What is a design storm?

We have for definitions about "Design Storm", as follows:

Coastal protection structures will often be designed to withstandwave attack by the extreme design storm. The severity of the storm (i.e. Return period) is chosen in view of the acceptable level of risk of damage or failure. A design storm consists of a design wave condition, a design water level, and a duration. (As defined in Glossary of Coastal Terminology By Washington Department of Ecology)

A hypothetical extreme storm whose wave's coastal protection structures will often be designed to withstand. The severity of the storm is chosen in view of the acceptable level of risk of damage or failure. A DESIGN STORM consists of a DESIGN WAVE condition, a design water level and a duration. (As defined in Glossary of Coastal Terminology

By The United States Army) The 85th percentile 24-hour storm depth, based on local historical rainfall records. (As defined in Water Quality Management Plan, By County of Riverside, California) Rainfall amount and distribution in space and time, used to determine a design flood or design peak discharge. (As defined in Glossary of Meteorological Terms, By American Meteorological Society)

However, in summary, "Design Storm" is: A critical rainfall event that is used for assessing the flood hydrograph of a certain return period is called "design rainfall". As the amount of the design rainfall corresponds to rare frequencies, they have high values of rainfall depth or intensity and that is why the design rainfall is usually termed as "design rainstorm" or simply "design storm". In summary, Design Storm is hyetograph, or time distribution, of the design rainfall over a specific duration. A design storm is synthesized from pieces of extreme rainfall taken from many actual storm events in region.

The term design storm is used to refer to a rainfall hyetograph that is believed to have the characteristics that are critical to the safety of the project. A design storm can be a synthetic distribution based on characteristics inherent to an intensity-duration-frequency curve or an actual hyetograph that caused major flood damage in the past, and the policymakers are trying to prevent such damages in the future.

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